Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

A Transformers-themed pub is in the running to be crowned Britain’s Best Home Bar, in a competition being run by Liberty Games. The winning bar, chosen… [more]

Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

This last weekend saw yet another Transformers convention take over the Metropole Hilton, in Birmingham. These weekends have become a staple of my summer… [more]

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Every year, since 2011, the nerds from TheTF.Net forum (now a Facebook group, because running a forum proved too much like hard work) have met for a weekend… [more]

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

This weekend saw our annual forum meet being held in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. Each year we meet in a different town or city in the UK, alternating… [more]

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Almost 18 years ago (crikey, has it been that long?) we wrote a review of our visit to Transforce in August 2001. It was a seriously hot day, but a great… [more]

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Armada Scavenger reviewed by Timey2Wimey

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on June 9, 2011 | Armada,Reviews,Toys / Action Figures |

Timey2Wimey takes back in time one more time (that’s a lot of times) to look at one of his favourites (though many disagree, maybe you’re one of them), Armada Scavenger.

You can also discuss this review, if that’s what you want to do, in our Transformers forum. What do you think of Transformers Armada Scavenger? let us know, and let Timey know what you think of his review.

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

IDW Transformers Comic Releases – 29/10/08

Written by Big Bot on October 27, 2008 | Armada,Comics,IDW Publishing,News | Tags: , ,

Time for a blast from the recent past, with the reprint of Dreamwave’s Transformers Armada Volume 1 TPB, collecting issues #1-6 of the series.

The comic takes the story in a different direction to the cartoon, so is worth picking up if you cannot stand the animated series. The book is drawn by James Raiz and written by Chris Sarracini.

Chris Ryall again has the cover for your viewing pleasure.

Transformers: Animated airing in South America from 7th June

Written by Big Bot on May 26, 2008 | Armada,Cartoon,News |

Cartoon Network have announced that they will start showing Transformers: Animated in South America from 7th June. The first episode will air at 1:30pm in Brazil and 12:30pm in Venezuela.

The next episode will air a week later.

New IDW TPB Listings

After yesterday’s listings for Transformers: Animated Volumes 5 & 6, some more Trade paperbacks are listed on Amazon with rough release dates.

The main surprise is the listings for a reprint of Dreamwave’s More Than meets The Eye series with Volume 1 in September and Volume 2 in December. There is also another Dreamwave production, Transformers Armada Volume 1 in October.

The Transformers movie sequel: Reign of Starscream TPB is out in November.

Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Vol 1 TPB (Dreamwave)
Transformers Spotlight Vol 3 TPB

Transformers Best of UK: Space Pirates TPB
The Art of IDW’s Transformers TPB
Transformers Armada Vol 1 TPB (Dreamwave)

Transformers Movie Sequel: Reign of Starscream TPB

Transformers More Than Meets The Eye V2 TPB (Dreamwave)

Armada Vol 1 & 2 DVD Repackaged

Written by Big Bot on February 25, 2008 | Armada,DVD,Entertainment Rights,News |

Not major news but for anyone in the UK wanting to get into the Transformers Armada cartoon, Entertainment Rights have packaged Transformers Armada Volumes 1 and 2 into a Bumper Double DVD Collection.

The collection contains the first 7 episodes of Armada, so if you enjoy these episodes, you’ll definately enjoy the rest of the series. The set costs around £6.

Yet more word on UK Armada

Written by admin on October 11, 2007 | Armada,News,Toys |

I too can confirm this – I saw Overload, the Air Military and Emergency Teams last November, and have seen them fairly regularly since. PL Jetfire, I saw in Woolworths in January, and Predacon and Powerlinx Red Alert in Belfast’s Toys R Us in February. Saw both of those two in my Smyths (Irish toy store chain) just a month ago, too, and Hoist, Rhinox and Terrorsaur have appeared there within the last two weeks. There were some very sparse sightings of Wheeljack in Argos last year, too, though I never saw one myself.

More word on Armada in the UK

Written by admin on | Armada,News,Toys |

Mathew Parkes emailed us about Protoform X’s news story concerning new Transformer in the UK

Indeed Alex is quite correct the figures he has mentioned are already here and have been for a while, well since Christmas anyway.

I have come across Powerlinx Red Alert, Jetfire, Optimus Prime and also Terrosaur, Rhinox and Predacon in The Entertainer both Wolverhampton and Birmingham Bull Ring stores and Powerlinx Red Alert in Woolworths across the West Midlands.

Overload I got for Christmas it was purchased from Woolworths Wolverhampton alongside Tidalwave


Matthew Parkes

UK to actually get MORE Armada?!

Written by admin on | Armada,News,Toys |’s online store has been updated with some new entries. This must mean that the figures are avaliable in the UK…somewhere. The figures are the Air Military Team, Rhinox, Terrorsaur, Hoist, Powerlinx Red Alert and Powerlinx Optimus Prime. We might see Wheeljack and the other later figures like Overload before the next millenium at this rate…

More Screenshots for Transformers Armada Prelude to Energon

Written by admin on | Armada,Energon,News,Video Games |

We’ve used our video games connections and managed to track down yet more high res screenshots for the forthcoming Transformers Armada Prelude to Energon. You can see the screenshots below, and see larger verions of them on the special page we’ve made for the game here.


Written by admin on | Armada,News,Press Release,Video Games |

Atari’s TRANSFORMERS Video Game Hits Cross-Promotional Road with ReAlign/Universal New Band, DROPBOXBEVERLY, MA – April 12, 2004 – Highlighting the entertainment industry relationships that have become its hallmark, Atari, Inc. (Nasdaq ATAR) today announced an ongoing cross promotional collaboration with Universal Motown Records Group, which will tie-in ReAlign/Universal’s hot new band, DROPBOX, with Atari’s highly anticipated TRANSFORMERS video game for the PlayStation(r)2 computer entertainment system, based on Hasbro, Inc.’s popular TRANSFORMERS brand.

This marketing relationship will utilize both traditional and non-traditional marketing vehicles to support both the May 11 launch of the TRANSFORMERS game and the DROPBOX album release on April 13. The campaign will include the utilization of DROPBOX performance footage and the TRANSFORMERS game footage in the band’s forthcoming new video and Atari’s TV advertising spot; radio advertising, in addition to TV; online street teams; and live performances.

“The high level of collaboration between Atari and Universal Motown Records Group enables both companies to significantly extend the effectiveness and reach of their marketing efforts,” said Nancy MacIntyre, vice president of marketing for Atari. “DROPBOX and the TRANSFORMERS game are already generating significant buzz with their respective core audiences, and this partnership should serve to attract new fans to both.”


Atari / Universal Motown Records /Page 2
Elements expected to be included in this joint campaign include

  • DROPBOX’s debut single, “Wishbone,” as well as the band’s recording of its version of the TRANSFORMERS theme song will be available in the game as un-lockable bonus tracks;
  • DROPBOX’s new music video for “Wishbone,” shot by award-winning director, Nigel Dick, and produced by Quentin Tarantino’s production company, A Band Apart, will feature TRANSFORMERS game footage;
  • A TRANSFORMERS brochure will be included in 1 million Universal Records music CDs;
  • Atari’s TRANSFORMERS TV commercial will highlight the “Wishbone” sound track and portions of the band’s music video;
  • DROPBOX will be included in Atari’s national print advertising campaign for the TRANSFORMERS game;
  • The DROPBOX multi-city promotional radio tour will include mention of its tie-in with Atari’s TRANSFORMERS video game;
  • Atari’s in-store TRANSFORMERS videos will feature DROPBOX’s “Wishbone” single and its version of the TRANSFORMERS theme song;
  • Universal will develop and produce key account radio commercials which will include a TRANSFORMERS tag;
  • A fully integrated on-air and online promotion with the FUSE music video network will include
    o A live appearance by DROPBOX on the live daily show “IMX” that will also feature behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of the music video;
    o An online campaign including the IMX “Daily Download” and a promotional contest;
  • Atari will include DROPBOX content on its TRANSFORMERS website located at and Universal will utilize online street teams and other online vehicles in support of the Transformers game and DROPBOX;

To kick off this relationship, DROPBOX celebrated with video game media at Atari’s TRANSFORMERS preview event in February. In anticipation of the formal agreement, public relations and promotional initiatives for the making of the DROPBOX music video featuring Transformers video game footage are moving forward as well as additional retail and consumer outreach.

“Atari and Universal Motown Records Group are respected industry leaders and it is fitting that such a collaborative effort comes from two such vanguards,” said Kojo Bentel, SVP of Strategic Marketing and Business
Development, Universal Motown Records Group. “Music has become a crucial element of the video game experience and DROPBOX’s raw, rock sound is a perfect fit for Atari’s TRANSFORMERS game.”

Developed by Atari’s Melbourne House studio, the TRANSFORMERS game will be available worldwide on May 11, 2004. More information can be found online at


Atari / Universal Motown Records Partnership /Page 3

About Universal Motown Records Group

Universal Motown Records Group is a division of Universal Music Group, the world’s leading music company with wholly-owned record operations or licensees in 71 countries. Its businesses also include Universal Music Publishing Group, one of the industry’s largest global music publishing operations.

Universal Music Group consists of record labels Decca Record Company,
Deutsche Grammophon, DreamWorks Records, Interscope Geffen A&M Records,
Island Def Jam Music Group, Lost Highway Records, MCA Nashville, Mercury
Nashville, Mercury Records, Philips, Polydor, Universal Music Latino,
Universal Motown Records Group, and Verve Music Group as well as a
multitude of record labels owned or distributed by its record company
subsidiaries around the world. The Universal Music Group owns the most
extensive catalog of music in the industry, which is marketed through
two distinct divisions, Universal Music Enterprises (in the U.S.) and
Strategic Marketing and Commercial Affairs (outside the U.S.). Universal
Music Group also includes eLabs, a new media and technology division.
Universal Music Group is a unit of Vivendi Universal, a global media and
communications company.

About Atari
New York-based Atari, Inc. (Nasdaq ATAR) develops interactive games for all platforms and is one of the largest third-party publishers of interactive entertainment software in the U.S. The Company’s 1,000+ titles include hardcore, genre-defining games such as Driver(tm), Enter the Matrix(tm), Neverwinter Nights(tm), Stuntman(tm), Test Drive(r), Unreal(r) Tournament 2003, and Unreal(r) Championship; and mass-market and children’s games such as Backyard Sports(tm), Nickelodeon’s Blue’s Clues(tm) and Dora the Explorer(tm), Civilization(r), Dragon Ball Z(r) and RollerCoaster Tycoon(r). Atari, Inc. is a majority-owned subsidiary
of France-based Infogrames Entertainment SA (Euronext 5257), the largest interactive games publisher in Europe. For more information, visit

# # #

(c) 2004 Atari, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
TRANSFORMERS is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. Used with permission. (c)2004 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. Universal Motown Records Group is a unit of Vivendi Universal, a global media and communications company. “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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