Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

A Transformers-themed pub is in the running to be crowned Britain’s Best Home Bar, in a competition being run by Liberty Games. The winning bar, chosen… [more]

Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

This last weekend saw yet another Transformers convention take over the Metropole Hilton, in Birmingham. These weekends have become a staple of my summer… [more]

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Every year, since 2011, the nerds from TheTF.Net forum (now a Facebook group, because running a forum proved too much like hard work) have met for a weekend… [more]

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

This weekend saw our annual forum meet being held in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. Each year we meet in a different town or city in the UK, alternating… [more]

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Almost 18 years ago (crikey, has it been that long?) we wrote a review of our visit to Transforce in August 2001. It was a seriously hot day, but a great… [more]

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001


Written by admin on October 11, 2007 | Armada,Comics,Dreamwave,Generation One,News |

Matt Moylan
of Dreamwave sent us some cover images, and solicitation text for Dreamwave
books and posters shipping in August.
Books being released for the month include



Check out all the artwork and details here.

New Dreamwave Comics in Stock!

Written by admin on | Armada,Comics,Dreamwave,News |

Just a quick note to let all the visitors of know that the latest Dreamwave comics are currently in stock at Comic Connections. War Within #5 and Armada 7 are new in, and they carry a full back stock of Transformers comics as well as all the 80’s relaunch such as GI Joe, Thundercats and He-Man.

For details please contact myself at

New Dreamwave site

Written by admin on | Comics,Dreamwave,News |

Matt Moylan, an editor with Dreamwave Productions sent us this email today

Hey all!

We’d just like to invite all of you to check out the all-new We’ll be updating the new site weekly with major announcements and new content every wednesday, so check back every week 😉
Thanks for all the support you guys!

Thanks Matt

Simon Furman interview at CNI

After teasing us with Terminator related interviews all week, Simon Furman has finally sat down and talked about Transformers (yah!). CNI caught up with him and discussed all sorts about Transformers, from the current IDW series, to working for Dreamwave and Marvel to the Movie Prequel.

There are some spoilers relating to the IDW series and how the Spotlights fit in, so only read if you don’t mind.

CNI Who is your favorite Transformers character and why?Furman I hate this question, because the answer is always Grimlock and everyone always groans. I just love borderline, conflicted characters. You (and the reader) never know what they�re going to do next! But, I�ve taken pains to sideline Grimlock (so far) in the Infiltration/Escalation/Devastation-verse, so I am coming to appreciate other characters.

The full interview can be found here.

IDW Transformers Release Schedule

IDW Publishing Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall has posted the exact release date for all Transformers comics in April and May.

11th April

TF Movie Prequel #3

TF Stormbringer Manga

18th April

TF Target 2006 #1

25th April

TF Cybertron Balancing Act

TF Spotlight Kup

2nd May

TF Movie Prequel #4

TF Animated Movie TPB

9th May

TF Cover Gallery, Vol. 2

TF Target 2006 #2

TF War Within TPB, Vol. 2

TF Escalation #6

On press, dates to be announced soon

TF The Ark

TF Greatest Battles of Optimus Prime & Megatron

TF Infiltration TPB (likely June 6)

TF Escalation TPB

TF Spotlight TPB

TF Stormbringer TPB-2nd Printing

TF Movie Adaptation TPB

TF Movie Prequel TPB

IDW May Solicitations

IDW Publishing have released ther May solicitations and included are a range of Transformers titles

The Transformers Megatron Origin #1

The Transformers The Movie Prequel #4

The Transformers The Best of Don Figueroa The Premier Collection

Transformers The Greatest Battles of Optimus Prime and Megatron

Transformers The Ark – A Complete Compendium of Transformers Animation Models

The Transformers Cover Gallery Book 2

The Transformers Target 2006 #2

Transformers War Within Vol. 2 The Dark Ages

The full details can be found at Comics Continuum.

Wildfur Auto Assembly 2005 Exclusive

Written by admin on May 26, 2005 | Auto Assembly,Comics,Conventions,Dreamwave,News |

For the second year running, Wildfur will be bringing a limited edition signed and bookplated version of one of the  products they have worked on with them to Auto Assembly! This year, it will be copies of the Transformers War Within – The Dark Ages trade paperback! They are expecting to have around 30 copies of this available so it will be extremely rare and it will be limited to a MAXIMUM of one per person! If you want to get a copy of this, it is highly likely that it will go to one of the pre-registrants who will get early entry to Auto Assembly 2005 so there’s no better reason to pre-book while you still have a chance!!

There will be ONE copy of the bookplated edition in the charity auction available later in the day, but apart from that, this will be your only chance to get this edition of the book!

Latest Transformer comics in stock now!

Written by admin on January 17, 2003 | Armada,Comics,Dreamwave,News |

Just a quick note to let all visitors of know that Comic Connections has just received its latest delivery of Transformer comics from the US. As you no doubt all know, due to a recent license ban, Hasbro has stopped these much desired comics shipping to this country.

New in stock they have Armada #4, 5 and 6 and the latest Simon Furman classic War Within #4. As well as a selection of TF back issues and other 80’s nostalgia books.

The first four Dreamwave covers are revealed

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on January 3, 2002 | Comics,Dreamwave,News |

Here are the first four covers from Dreamwave. Don’t forget to vote in our poll for which poster you’d like them to produce in July.

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