Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

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Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

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TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

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Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

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Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

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Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Transformers issue 81?

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on April 7, 2011 | IDW Publishing,Marvel |

Transformers comic artist and all round top bloke Andy Wildman sent out an appeal this week for Transformers fans everywhere to sign a petition for IDW that could see Transformers #81 go into production. Andy and Simon Furman worked on the last of the Marvel Transformers comics in the 80s, when comics were really comics, and the story was kinda finished in a rush. Now, after all this time, it looks as though there’s a chance for that story to continue.

Have a read of what Andy says below, and then sign the petition overe here.

There is a bit of a buzz at the moment on the interenet about there being a Transformers #81. Thought I would add my perspective on this.

A while ago myself and Simon Furman considered the idea of picking up where we left off with the old Marvel Comics run of Transformers. For me it came about because after doing a series of six covers IDW asked me to do some interior art for their Transformers book. I wasn’t particularly interested in doing any so they asked me what it would take to do some. Well the obvious amswer would be copious amounts of dallar 😉 but to be honest it wasn’t about that. It was more to do with the fact that I was happy to just do cover art for Transformers and that I am busy doing other stuff these days. I gave it some thought though and put to them that it would be possible under a couple of conditions. First was that I would want to work with Simon Furman. Second was that we would want to do something that had a point. Something that felt like it was really saying something. I came up with the gist of an idea and put it to Simon. He ran with it and things began to take shape. What was clear was that it fitted well into the continuity of our old Marvel run. IDW agreed that there is precedent for this with the fact that GI Joe recently picked up on Larry Hama’s old Marvel story threads. So. An idea took shape and we almost had it until the current economic siutation put the breaks on it.

So where are we now? Well it is clear that IDW are not resistant to the idea but in these current times of relatively low comics sales they would need to feel confident that it would sell.

So what can be done about it? If you are interested, sign the petition that is going about. Get enough names on that and it would clearly be a viable project. Of course it remains to be seen who would draw it as there are other interested parties but I think it is safe to say that Simon would love to get his teeth into it.

Roll Out!

TheTF.Net Sponsorship Fundraiser for Auto Assembly 2011

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on March 31, 2011 | Auto Assembly,Marvel,People |

Auto Assembly is the biggest Transformers convention in Europe, and this year it’s being held on the 12th – 14th August in Birmingham’s Holiday Inn, Birmingham City Centre.

This year’s guests of honour are David Kaye and Gregg Berger, and tickets can be booked now from

Usually at Auto Assembly TheTransformers.Net takes a watching brief; mostly watching the bar it has to be said. At past conventions we’ve participated solely in helping the venue to increase its bar takings, decorated display tables with our empties and became increasingly slovenly as the day went on. Our only previous worthwhile contribution was in producing a CD-ROM for Auto Assembly 2005. However, this year, for Auto Assembly 2011, we intend to actually do something.

Transformers #147 CoverThis year TheTransformers.Net is hoping to raise funds (listen up, this is where you come in) to bring one of the best loved comic artists, and little seen at Transformers conventions, Geoff Senior to Auto Assembly.

Geoff Senior was one of the original comic artists on the Marvel UK Transformers comic, and was one of the people responsible for creating the legendary bounty hunter Death’s Head – who made a comeback recently thanks to artist talents of Simon Williams. In addition to Transformers and Death’s Head, Geoff Senior also put pencils to paper to produce artwork for Doctor Who, Judge Dredd, Dragon’s Claws and Zoids.

Galvatron defeats Magnus

Getting Geoff to Auto Assembly 2011 on behalf of TheTransformers.Net and TheTF.Net is going to cost £200 – and we’re officially launching our fundraiser right here. We need our members, our website visitors, you guys, to donate any small amount you can (even a couple of pounds would be a huge help) so that we can get Geoff Senior to Auto Assembly 2011.

Transformers #83 CoverIf you want your comics or graphic novels signed, if you want to chat to Geoff about Transformers or Death’s Head, or if you want Geoff to draw a personalised sketch just for you; help us to bring Geoff Senior to Auto Assembly 2011.

The best part is: we don’t even need to raise the full £200 ourselves as Auto Assembly will match anything we raise, so we just need to raise £100.

How to Donate

All you have to do donate is to send any amount you can spare to – or you can use the donate button below.

Help TheTransformers.Net and TheTF.Net to get Geoff to AA!

Some of Geoff’s famous Transformers covers:

Transformers #113 CoverTransformers #100 Cover

Comic Releases – 04/06/08

Written by Big Bot on June 4, 2008 | Comics,IDW Publishing,Marvel,News | Tags: ,

Just 2 Transformers comics released this week, and they are Transformers: Best of UK: Space Pirates #4, a reprint of the Marvel UK story (total of 5 issues) and Transformers Movie Sequel: The Reign of Starscream #2, which continues the stories after the Transformers movie. Here is the official description of the issue.

The official continuation of the blockbuster TRANSFORMERS movie continues here! In part two, “To Be King”, STARSCREAM’s machinations on Mars move forward… but they also catch the vigilant eyes of a team of AUTOBOTS, and the battle begins! The AUTOBOTS, however, will soon learn that STARSCREAM is not alone… co-writers Chris Ryall (Transformers Movie Prequel) and Chris Mowry, along with artist Alex Milne (Transformers Movie Adaptation) continue their tale that explains, expounds upon and expands the world of the TRANSFORMERS movie! Ask your retailer how to get a variant cover by James Raiz, too!

IDW releases – 7th May 08

Just 2 comics from IDW Publishing this week, the first being Transformers Movie Sequel: The Reign of Starscream #1, the first in a 5 issue series picking up the events of the Transformers movie. As the title suggests, the series focuses on Starscream and helps fill in some of the plot holes from the film.

The second release is Transformers Best of the UK: Dinobots TPB, which collects together more Marvel UK stories from the 80s.

Transformers Comic Releases – 09/04/08

Written by Big Bot on April 9, 2008 | Comics,Generation One,IDW Publishing,Marvel,News |

There are only 2 Transformers comic releases this week, with the first being a reprint and the second being a preview comic for IDW’s upcoming Transformers titles this summer.

Transformers: Best of the UK Space Pirates #2 continues the Marvel UK reprints, this time with the Space Pirates story. Issues #1 was released last month.

Transformers: Focus on Depecticons is a preview issue that contains an 8 page preview of the first issue of Transformers: All Hail Megatron, that starts in July. There is also some extra material, but this hasn’t been confirmed.

IDW’s Transformers Solicitations – July 2008

July looks like a good month for Transformers comic fans, with 8 titles for IDW Publishing, ranging from the Transformers Movie Sequel, main continuity stories to classic and modern reprints.

First up is Transformers Spotlight: Hardhead, the second part of the Revelations saga, following on from Spotlight: Cyclonus in June, and continuing the main Generation One story. Also in this continuity is The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1, the start of the 12 issues series, picking up the story 1 year later.

There are 2 Transformers movie based comics, Transformers Movie Sequel: The Reign of Starscream #4, continuing the events after the first movie and Transformers Movie Prequel UK #1, which is a reprint of the first 2 issues of Titan’s Transformers UK comic, which started in July 2007.

The Transformers: The Ark, Volume 2 compiles more rare images, this time from Japan, specifically the Headmasters, Super-God Masterforce, Victory, Zone, Battlestars, and Operation Combination series.

Transformers Best of the UK: Space Pirates #5 is the last collection of the original Marvel UK Space Pirates story, whilst Classic Transformers, Volume 2 collects issues 17-20 of the Marvel US series.

Finally The Transformers Animated, Volume 4 is a comic presentation of the cartoon series, again using frames from the cartoon to bring the story to life.

The full solicitations can be found here.

IDW Comic Releases – 26/03/08

Written by Big Bot on March 25, 2008 | Comics,IDW Publishing,Marvel,News |

Not many comic releases this week, but as we mention yesterday, that are more to come in April. The only book this week is Transformers Best of UK: Space Pirates #1, which is a reprint of the Marvel UK title by the same name. Luckily, there is only a short wait until Space Pirates #2 is released on 9th April.

There will be 5 issues in total, with the TPB due current for October 2008.

Upcoming IDW Comics Release date

Written by Big Bot on March 24, 2008 | Comics,IDW Publishing,Marvel,News,Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen |

Chris Ryall has posted some updated release dates for IDW’s next set of Transformers comics, arriving in April.

The first is the unfortunate delay of Transformers Spotlight: Grimlock, which was originally due to be release in March with fellow Spotlight: Mirage, but will now come out on 23rd April. Also delayed from March in April will be Focus On: Decepticons, a preview book that looks at IDW’s plans for their main G1 continuity (All Hail Megatron, Revelations etc) and the Movie sequel comic. This will be out on 9th April.

Speaking of the movie sequels, Transformers: The Reign of Starscream #1, will be making it’s April date (just), coming out on 30th April.

Finally, the Marvel reprint, Transformers Best of UK: Space Pirates 2, is out on 9th April.

IDW Publishing June 08 Transformers Comics

IDW Publishing have released their comic solicitations for June 2008 and with it comes lots of Transformers titles, new and old.

After the announcements this week about Transformers Revelations,  comes the confirmation that Transformers Spotlight: Cyclonus is coming. The title is likely to change to include the “Revelations” title. Also being released in the IDW G1 universe is Transformers Spotlight: Wheelie, the 15th Spotlight issue. The cover also features another character, so beware of spoilers.

Next are two Transformers movie titles, Transformers Movie Sequel: The Reign of Starscream #3, continuing the official comic book sequel to the movie and Transformers Movie Prequel Special, which collectors together the Theatre exclusive comic that was sponsored by Target and the DVD exclusive comic that was available at Target, and in some other countries.

There is also some more reprinted Marvel material, Transformers Best of the UK: Space Pirates #4 and 3 different Art of books.

Transformers Spotlight: Cyclonus
Simon Furman (w); E.J. Su (a); Su, Nick Roche (c)

The REVELATIONS CYCLE starts here! Continuing the titanic story from the epic events of Transformers: Devastation, a quartet of senses-shattering Spotlight issues unfold, laying bare two years worth of secrets behind the Decepticon invasion of Earth! With a showcase on the legendary CYCLONUS, the Final Phase begins! Continued in the interconnected future Spotlights featuring SIDESWIPE, HARDHEAD, and DOUBLEDEALER, four climaxes to the Transformers saga instead of one! From the mind of TRANSFORMERS uber-scribe Simon Furman, and art by fan-favorite Transformers illustrator E.J. Su (Devastation). Also, see the next page for a second Spotlight this month, independent of the Revelations Cycle, giving proper due to one of the most overlooked of all TRANSFORMERS…

*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
*Retailers: See your order form for a special incentive
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Transformers Movie Sequel: The Reign of Starscream #3
Chris Mowry, Chris Ryall (w); Alex Milne (a); Alex Milne, James Raiz (c)

The official continuation of the blockbuster TRANSFORMERS movie continues here!
Co-writers Chris Ryall (Transformers Movie Prequel) and Chris Mowry, along with artist Alex Milne (Transformers Movie Adaptation) continue their look at the latest machinations of STARSCREAM. Now in charge and scheming to re-create CYBERTRON in his image, a small cadre of AUTOBOTS resist his attack. Little do they know that his plans are much bigger than they imagined… and bigger than anyone can control, let alone stop!

*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
*Retailers: See your order form for a special incentive
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Transformers Movie Prequel Special
Simon Furman, Chris Ryall (w); Don Figueroa, Andrew Wildman (a); Figueroa (c)

This special edition with a full 32 pages of story and art offers two titanic TRANSFORMERS MOVIE tales never before offered for sale. In a special lead-in to the movie, BUMBLEBEE finds himself beset on all sides. And in a full-length tale, STARSCREAM and other DECEPTICONS experience “Earthfall.” Courtesy of Simon Furman, Chris Ryall, Don Figueroa (all three veterans of the Transformers Movie Prequel), and Andrew Wildman. Available with 50/50 covers by Figueroa, one portraying AUTOBOTS, the other showcasing the DECEPTICONS.

*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
*Retailers: See your order form for a special incentive
FC • 32 ad-free pages • $3.99

Transformers Best of the UK: Space Pirates #4
Simon Furman (w); Will Simpson, Tim Perkins (a); Dan Khanna (c)

Continuing the reprints of the best TRANSFORMERS sagas from across the pond! In the aftermath of the AUTOBOTS driving off the Quintessons and saving Autobot City, the stage is set for the prelude chapters to the upcoming epic Time Wars! How will the stunning final moments of Space Pirates set the wheels in motion for the legendary tale that sends the story across the galaxy and through time itself? Check out these classic reprint issues and find out! From longtime TRANSFORMERS scribe Simon Furman, with a new cover by breakout TRANSFORMERS artist Dan Khanna!

*Retailers: See your order form for a special incentive
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Transformers Spotlight: Wheelie
Simon Furman (w); Klaus Scherwinski (a, c)

A second Transformers Spotlight this month finally showcases one of the most underrated of all TRANSFORMERS, the Autobot Wheelie! Cover artist Klaus Scherwinski teams up with TRANSFORMERS über-scribe Simon Furman to introduce Wheelie to the IDW generation of readers. Trapped, alone on a hostile, faraway planet, the diminutive Autobot must dig deeper than ever before just to survive, running a gauntlet of pain and self-sacrifice that leads, ultimately, to a choice that will test not just his allegiance, but his very soul! Featuring two special covers from Scherwinski.

*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
*Retailers: See your order form for a special incentive
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

The Art of Transformers HC
Don Figueroa, Guido Guidi, Ed McGuinness, Alex Milne, James Raiz, Nick Roche, Klaus Scherwinski, E.J. Su, Andrew Wildman, Ashley Wood, more (a); Don Figueroa (c)

Re-offered for the first time! THE TRANSFORMERS have featured some of the best, most technically proficient comic book art to ever grace the printed page. Some have been hard-to-secure variant cover images, others only saw limited runs, but all of them deserve to be showcased. And now they are, in this deluxe hardcover-with-dustjacket volume. Inside, you’ll find cover images, pin-ups and rare sketches from the best of the best!

HC • FC • 8.125” x 12.5” • 216 pages • $50.00
ISBN: 978-1-60010-117-5

The Art of Transformers Signed & Numbered Limited Edition HC

This special edition, limited to 250 copies, comes with a tip-in plate signed by artists Don Figueroa, Guido Guidi, Nick Roche, Klaus Scherwinski, E.J. Su, and Andrew Wildman.

HC • FC • 8.125” x 12.5” • 216 pages • $100.00
ISBN: 978-1-60010-133-5

The Art of Transformers Sketch Edition HC

If the signed & numbered edition isn’t premium enough for your tastes, here comes an even more rare edition—limited to stock on hand—featuring a hand-drawn sketch by artist Don Figueroa in every copy!

HC • FC • 8.125” x 12.5” • 216 pages • $150.00
ISBN: 978-1-60010-134-2

New IDW TPB Listings

After yesterday’s listings for Transformers: Animated Volumes 5 & 6, some more Trade paperbacks are listed on Amazon with rough release dates.

The main surprise is the listings for a reprint of Dreamwave’s More Than meets The Eye series with Volume 1 in September and Volume 2 in December. There is also another Dreamwave production, Transformers Armada Volume 1 in October.

The Transformers movie sequel: Reign of Starscream TPB is out in November.

Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Vol 1 TPB (Dreamwave)
Transformers Spotlight Vol 3 TPB

Transformers Best of UK: Space Pirates TPB
The Art of IDW’s Transformers TPB
Transformers Armada Vol 1 TPB (Dreamwave)

Transformers Movie Sequel: Reign of Starscream TPB

Transformers More Than Meets The Eye V2 TPB (Dreamwave)

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