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Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

15th Auto Assembly 2009 Guest Announced!

Written by Big Bot on July 23, 2009 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,News | Tags:

The UK and Europe’s largest Transformers convention, Auto Assembly, is getting another special guest for the 2009 convention with comic artist Jon Davis-Hunt, who has worked for Titan Comics in the UK and IDW Comics in North America. He will only be appearing on Sunday, but with be signing you favourite bits of merchandise.

Hi everyone,

As the date for Auto Assembly 2009 draws nearer, we are still adding to our extensive list of activities throughout the weekend and we are now pleased to announce that we are now being joined by our FIFTEENTH guest for the convention…

Joining us for the SUNDAY ONLY is comic artist Jon Davis-Hunt. Jon has recently joined the team working on Titan Magazine’s Transformers comic as their new regular artist for their UK-originated strip, although he has produced cover artwork for them previously. He has also worked for IDW on the adaptation of Revenge Of The Fallen and was one of the artists for 2000 AD. Prior to switching to the comic industry, Jon previously worked in the video games industry.

Jon will be taking to the stage along with some of our other comic guests on Sunday (our comic panels will be split throughout the weekend) and he will be joining the rest of our comic guests in our guest area to sign autographs and meet fans.

Jon is joining what is the biggest ever line-up of guests seen at a European Transformers event which currently includes our two guests of honour Gregg Berger (G1 Grimlock), Ian James Corlett (Cheetor), and our comic guests – Andrew Wildman (Saturday only), Simon Williams, Staz Johnson, Nick Roche, Liam Shalloo, Lew Stringer (Saturday only), Jason Cardy, Kat Nicholson, Lee Bradley, Lee Sullivan, Mike Collins, and Kris Carter. As we have three guests who will only be able to attend for a single day, the ONLY way you will get to meet all of our guests this year is to attend for the FULL weekend!

We have a very limited number of single tickets available for the Sunday, but plenty of weekend tickets available. More single day passes for Saturday may be released soon but with the convention being less than four weeks away, you need to hurry to pre-register for what will be the biggest ever Transformers convention that Europe has ever seen!

For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th – 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.

tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Auto Assembly 2009 Non-Attendee Pack Announced!

Written by Big Bot on June 24, 2009 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,News | Tags:

The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #13 Auto Assembly 2009 Exclusive CoverWe’ve getting ever closer to Auto Assembly 2009, and for those of you who cannot make it, here is a way to get all the goodies without even being there, the magical non-attendee pack!

Auto Assembly 2009 Non-Attendee Pack Available!

Auto Assembly 2009 is set to break all attendance records once again for a European Transformers convention and we are delighted to say that we are going to be joined by fans from not only all over the UK but from all over Europe and from as far afield as America, Singapore and Japan making Auto Assembly 2009 a truly global event.

However, we appreciate that there are many of you who would love to be able to attend the convention but can’t attend either because of distance of who are unable to get time off work so once again we are offering a non-attendee package which will allow you to get involved in the convention and get your hands on all of this year’s convention goodies and a whole lot more besides…

These non-attendee packages are £60 for anyone living in the UK and £70 for the rest of the world and are fully inclusive of shipping costs. While these are more expensive than passes for the convention, we think they offer exceptional value for money. Why? Well, each non-attendee pack will get you:-

* A Personalised convention pass with your own ticket number
* The FULL Auto Assembly goodie bag containing up to 12 gifts (with more under negotiation)! (the earlier your ticket number, the more gifts will be in your bag. Visit the website to see the full details of what’s on offer this year!)
* Entry into all of the Auto Assembly 2009 Pre-registrant prize draws
* The Cybertronian Times Issue 10, signed by ALL our convention guests
* All Hail Megatron Issue 13 convention exclusive variant cover comic
* Auto Assembly 2009 convention exclusive mug
* Auto Assembly 2009 Grimlock keyring
* Full set of Auto Assembly convention exclusive postcards from 2004-2008
* Proxy bidding rights for the Auto Assembly charity auction
* A personalised sketch from a random Auto Assembly 2009 comic artist guest
* The option to use your non-attendee pass at ANY TIME and become a full weekend attendee during the convention by simply turning up at the convention and showing your pass and collecting all of your items on the day for just an additional

And that’s not all! The first 20 people to buy the non-attendee package will also receive a copy of Apocalypse Comics’ retailer exclusive edition of All Hail Megatron #1 or All Hail Megatron #12! This is quite possibly the best non-attendee package we have EVER put together and is an ideal way for you to get involved with the convention if you can’t make it this year and potentially your ONLY chance to get this year’s convention exclusive comic!

Once you have paid your £60 (or £70 if you live outside the UK) there is nothing more to pay. The only additional charges are for additional postage charges that may be incurred should any competition prizes be won that we may need to ship, or relevant amounts for any auction items that you may win.

To purchase your non-attendee package, visit the Auto Asembly website NOW! If you are able to join us, full weekend tickets are available and are £45 for adults and £35 for children/students/senior citizens with under 5s being FREE. Family tickets (2 adults and 2 children) are just £145 saving £15. Limited numbers of single day passes are also available starting from £18. Don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of what is going to be a great weekend celebrating 25 years of the Transformers!!

For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th – 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.

web: Auto Assembly
forum: Auto Assembly – Home
tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Final Coloured Version of Auto Assembly 2009 Exclusive Cover for AHM #13

The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #13 Auto Assembly 2009 Exclusive CoverIDW Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall has posted the final coloured version of the Auto Assembly 2009 Exclusive cover for IDW’s The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #13.

You find the cover has improved colour contrast compared to when it was last seen, the Apocalypse Comics website (who helped get the cover done), and Grimlock saying something that only Grimlock would say. The cover is limited to 1000 copies with a maximum of 2 sold to each attendee at Auto Assembly 2009 in August.

The cover has art from Nick Roche with colours from Liam Shalloo.

All Hail Megatron #13 is due out next month. Look out for #12 later this week.

Auto Assembly 2009 Preview on BBC Website

Written by Big Bot on June 15, 2009 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,News | Tags: , ,

Just like last year, Auto Assembly, Europe’s largest Transformers convention, has again been previewed by an article on the BBC website.

The article contains an interview with Simon Plumbe and lots of details for anyone who hasn’t heard about the convention but is interested in attending. Here’s the best quote:

“If you’ve never been to a convention before but you’re passionate about Transformers and want to meet like-minded fans, meet the stars of the series, and just want to enjoy a packed weekend of Transformers-themed activities, then maybe Auto Assembly 2009 is for you!”

This years convention is a 2 day event over the weekend of the 15th and 16th August 2009 in Birmingham.

More Auto Assembly 2009 Info – Another Guest?

Written by Big Bot on June 5, 2009 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,News | Tags: , ,

Simon Plumbe from Auto Assembly got in touch with TheTransformers.Net again recently and sat down for a follow up to our recent interview.

This time Simon had even more news on the convention, including a potentially massive announcement concerning guest line-up…

So Simon, you’ve confirmed Gregg Berger and Ian James Corlett which is pretty awesome, but from our recent conversations you’ve told me that you’re now talking to a THIRD voice actor for AA 09?

A. Absolutely! I’ll be honest though and say that this is entirely down to the attendees. I have been in talks with different sponsors to try to raise money towards getting more guests for the convention, but ultimately it is going to be a case of everything extra being funded from pre-registrations. I have been talking to an actor for a while who is ready to come over and join Ian and Gregg and at a rough guess I would say that if we can get about 500 pre-registrations then we will be able to afford to get them!

Spill; who’s it gonna be?

A. I can’t say right now, but what I CAN say is that we are looking at trying to bring a former Auto Assembly guest of honour back, but it’s all dependent on YOU guys to make it happen!

*ponders* AA08 was my first convention but I’m sure some of theft.netters will be compiling a list of previous attendees as we speak!

Onto competitions; last year you had a free prize draw for all pre-registrants to win a ticket for this year’s convention. Are you planning on doing the same this year?

A. Yes, infact I’m working on THREE big prize draws this time around… well, it IS the 25th Anniversary so we may as well do things in style!! The first one will be the same as last year and every pre-registrant will be entered into a free prize draw to win a family ticket to Auto Assembly 2010 and possibly some other prizes as well! In addition to that, I’ll be running two more prize draws starting in June until pre-registrations close which I think people may love…

The first of these is what I am calling our “Milestone Draw”. Over the last few years, we have set various attendance records for Auto Assembly, and I want to acknowledge these by rewarding those attendees to help us reach those figures again. Quite simply, when a person registers and their ticket number matches each of these key numbers then they will receive a FREE ticket to Auto Assembly 2010!!

Now that’s ever so slightly awesome! Any news on ticket number 5…

A. No, you booked too early! lol Seriously though, we wanted to look at some of the really big (more…)

Auto Assembly 2009 Exclusive Comic Cover – Coloured Version!

Written by Big Bot on May 27, 2009 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,IDW Publishing,News | Tags:

Auto Assembly 09 Exclusive CoverThe guys at Auto Assembly have revealed a full colour version of their exclusive Auto Assembly 2009Auto Assembly 09 Exclusive Cover cover for IDW’s Transformers All Hail Megatron #13.The cover, which is done in association with Apocalypse Comics, and is limited to only 1000 copies, pays homage to Jurassic Park and is done by Nick Roche with colours by Liam Shalloo. Doesn’t it look good?

Hi everyone,

As you know, we previewed the inks to the convention exclusive comic for Auto Assembly 2009 recently when we were interviewed over at Transformers@TheMoon. Since then, many people have wanted to know what the finished cover for our convention exclusive variant cover to IDW’s All Hail Megatron Issue 13 is going to look like. Well, the wait is over…

Adding the finishing touch to Nick Roche’s pencils is the fantastic colours of Liam Shalloo to bring you this fantastic tribute to Jurassic Park and featuring Grimlock (both of whom will be attending the convention and who can sign the comic for those of you who buy it along with G1 voice actor Gregg Berger)! The comic is being produced for Auto Assembly 2009 by Apocalypse Comics and will be available during the convention weekend from their table. Sales will limited to a maximum of just TWO per attendee while stocks last as there are only 1,000 copies being printed of this book!

Auto Assembly 2009 is set to be a record-breaking convention for European Transformers fans and this is one convention you don’t want to miss!

Auto Assembly
Auto Assembly

All Hail Megatron exclusive variant covers, issues #12 and #13

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on May 6, 2009 | Auto Assembly,Comics,News |

apocalypse_ahm12_colors_lowres3We’ve just received two images from Mario at Apocalypse Comics for variant All Hail Megatron cover images. They’re for issues #12 and #13 and are both available from Apocalypse Comics.

Issue #12 is a homage to the Amazing Spider-Man issue #50 cover.

If you’re planning on attending the London Film and Comic Con this year you’ll see the cover there, with artist Casey Coller who will be signing for fans.

Issue #13’s cover is a homage to Jurassic Park and will be at Auto Assembly this year, along with the artist Nick Roche, who will be signing for fans. The man behind Grimlock’s voice, Gregg Berger, will also be there signing.

Gregg Berger To Attend Auto Assembly 2009!!

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on February 13, 2009 | Auto Assembly,News |

We’ve just been sent this press released from Simon and Sven from Auto Assembly, and it’s big news. Get read for some Decepto-chop munching at AA this summer, as Gregg Berger (AKA Grimlock) will be on hand to munch metal!

After weeks of speculation, Europe’s largest Transformers convention Auto Assembly 2009, is proud to announce it’s second voice actor for it’s convention taking place over the weekend of 15th-16th August 2009…

Joining our first voice actor, Ian James Corlett (the voice of Cheetor from Beast Wars and Beast Machines) will ne none other than Gregg Berger, the voice of Grimlock and Skyfire and a host of other characters from G1!! Fans have been asking us for several years to bring Gregg over to the UK to appear at an Auto Assembly convention and we are excited to be able to make this a reality in the 25th Anniversary year of Transformers!

Gregg will be actively involved with the convention all weekend and for those of you who aren’t sure about whether to book for the weekend or wait until we release single day tickets, when you find out what Gregg will be doing, you won’t want to miss out on the full weekend! As well as signing autographs for fans all weekend, Gregg will be taking to the stage for a talk/Q&A session on one of the days (the exact day to be confirmed), he will be joining Ian James Corlett and comic artist Simon Williams on stage on Saturday evening for the live script reading which is being written by Simon Furman (and the evening programme is exclusive for weekend attendees), and he will be involved in another part of the main programme item during the weekend which will be on the DIFFERENT day to his talk/Q&A session so to see everything Gregg will be doing, you need to be there all weekend!

As is the standard policy for Auto Assembly, Gregg will NOT be charging for autographs but he will be bringing along a selection of items for sale including photos, CDs and DVDs which you can get signed but please feel free to have any of your own items autographed freely… including the Auto Assembly 2009 convention exclusive Grimlock postcard being illustrated by Andrew Wildman!

With a staggering 13 guests, there have never been a better time for you to attend Auto Assembly if you have never been before! Auto Assembly will be a packed weekend running from around 10:00 am until about 6:00 pm each day with a bonus programme on Saturday evening until 1:00 am and a small bonus programme on Friday evening, both for weekend attendees only.

In terms of activities, this will be the biggest and best Auto Assembly yet with dealers tables, guest talks (13 guests so far with at least two different panels each day, splitting our guest talks so no guest will talk more than once over the weekend), live script reading featuring Ian James Corlett and Gregg Berger, autograph sessions, artist sketches, artist workshops, comic colourist workshops, toy displays, art displays, charity auction, charity raffle, fan displays, quiz, video screenings, art, fiction and costume competitions, games area, a party and disco running until 1:00 am on Sunday, a possible cinema screening of Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen and much more besides…

The convention will be taking place right in the heart of Birmingham city centre in England at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham. There is fantastic public transport access from every part of the UK and for those of you travelling from outside of the UK, Birmingham International Airport is just 10 minutes away by train!

For full details and online booking, visit the website NOW at

Anyway, we hope to see many of you there for what we hope will be Europe’s biggest ever Transformers convention!

Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly

tel: +44 (0)7804 951406

Guests 9 and 10 Announced for Auto Assembly 2009

Written by Big Bot on January 8, 2009 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,News | Tags: , ,

Two more guests are now confirmed to be at the UK’s only dedicated Transformers convention, Auto Assembly 2009.

Artists Lee Sullivan and Mike Collins will again be making an appearance, joining in with the comic panel and signing the weird and wonderful things fans tend to bring.

First AA2009 Voice Actor guest Announced!

Written by Big Bot on November 10, 2008 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,News | Tags: , ,

One half of the Auto Assembly team, Simon Plumbe, has confirmed the first of our two voice actors who are to appear at next years convention.

Ian James Corlett, best known as the voice of Beast Wars and Beast Machines Cheetor, as well as the Maximal defence computer Sentinel, will be attending the 2 day UK convention. AA2009 takes place over the weekend of 15-16th August 2009.

Booking for the convention should start soon.

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