As Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen gets closer, more and more companies release lots of Transformers merchandise, even if it has nothing to do with the film.
Shout! Factory have today release Transformers: The Complete First Season 25th Anniversary Edition on DVD in North America. The 3 disc set contains all 16 episodes from the first season and some juicy extra features:
Triplechanger: From Toy To Comic To Screen: The Origins Of The Transformers
Printable Transport to Oblivion Script
Rare PSAs
Archival Hasbro toy commercials
Also remember to enter our competition to win a copy.
This side of the pond, Metrodome, who surprisingly still have the Transformers license, have re-released all 4 of their G1 boxsets, consisting of Season One, Season 2 Part 1, Season 2 Part 2, and Seasons 3 & 4. The only difference from the original releases is the cover art.