What is good for Hasbro is good for Transformers as, if Hasbro does well, their toy output is likely to go from strength to strength. Hasbro has recently entered into a very exciting partnership with Zynga. For those unfamiliar with Zynga, they are a firm which make games that are played on the social media giant Facebook. These games include the well-known FarmVille, among other games designed to eat away at your free-time.
Zynga is a big and powerful corporation, much like Hasbro itself. Lots of people love playing their games online (although not me). Believe it or not, the market value of Zynga currently exceeds that of many long established firms such as Marks & Spencer, which speaks volumes for the reach of their games. This is hugely impressive, especially since the corporation wasn’t floated on any stock exchange until its 2011 debut in the Big Apple. If Hasbro can make ‘real’ toys which properly reflect the online (cash)cows which users play with on FarmVille, both businesses are set to make large gains.
FarmVille is not the only game which could provide a boost to the partnership. Hasbro could soon be making ‘real world’ toys which correspond to the Zynga game Mafia Wars. There does seem a lot of scope for getting enthusiastic online players to purchase real versions of things which have given them so much pleasure on the screen.
Hasbro has been making great toys for a very long time and it should be given a shot in the arm by this latest collaboration. This must be positive news for Transformers too because, just maybe, the collaboration could work the other way!
[…] Hasbro and FarmVille enterprise team up What is good for Hasbro is good for Transformers as, if Hasbro does well, their toy output is likely to go from strength to strength. Hasbro has recently… [more] It has been a few days since director Michael Bay declared his intentions with regard to … Read more on TheTransformers.Net […]
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