There’s not long to go now until Auto Assembly 2011, the biggest Transformers convention Europe (and excuse for a good nerd drinkathon in Birmingham). To make this year’s AA extra special, at TheTransformers.Net we’re giving away a Masterpiece Rodimus Prime – the Hasbro version.
While this spectacular and, dare we say it, sexy beast isn’t yet released – the lucky winner of our competition will have one shipped out to them as soon as he’s available, and we can get our hands on him.
To promote this competition we’re inserting flyers into the goody bags at AA, with all of the details you’ll need to enter the competition – so you’ll just have to wait for Auto Assembly itself before you can enter our competition and be in with a chance of getting your sticky fingers on Rodimus.
Right now though – here’s a sneak peak at the leaflet we’ve designed to promote the contest – though of course you can’t see it all, because it would reveal just what you have to do to win!
Over the next week we’ll be looking for a leaflet printing company to get these little beauties printed, and sent over to the boys at AA ready to be stuffed, lovingly, into the goody bags. You’ll notice from the cross section of the leaflet that it features a photo or two of the chaps from our forum – what handsome devils they are. Why not head over there now and chat to some of them – but don’t offer them any food, whatever you do.