All over the world, Transformers: Animated is airing, in different languages and at different stages. Dubai may have already aired the first 2 seasons, but for English viewers, we are still a few episodes behind.
Canada are currently leading the way with episode 24, “S.U.V. – Society of Ultimate Villainy” airing on YTV at 11:00am EST today.
The USA is one episode behind with episode 23, “A Fistful of Energon” airing on Cartoon Network at 10:30am EST.
The UK is one episode further back with episode 22, “Rise of the Constructicons” airing on NickToons at 4:30pm GMT.
Australia are way back at the beginning with the 3 part movie special, “Transform and Roll Out!” airing on Cartoon Network.
Germany will be airing episode 5, “Total Meltdown” today with German audio.