Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

A Transformers-themed pub is in the running to be crowned Britain’s Best Home Bar, in a competition being run by Liberty Games. The winning bar, chosen… [more]

Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

This last weekend saw yet another Transformers convention take over the Metropole Hilton, in Birmingham. These weekends have become a staple of my summer… [more]

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Every year, since 2011, the nerds from TheTF.Net forum (now a Facebook group, because running a forum proved too much like hard work) have met for a weekend… [more]

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

This weekend saw our annual forum meet being held in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. Each year we meet in a different town or city in the UK, alternating… [more]

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Almost 18 years ago (crikey, has it been that long?) we wrote a review of our visit to Transforce in August 2001. It was a seriously hot day, but a great… [more]

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Simon Furman on Titan Transformers #17

Written by Big Bot on October 9, 2008 | Comics,News,Titan | Tags: ,

With the release of Titan’s Transformers UK #17 today, writer of the issue Simon Furman has posted his thoughts on the issue, titled “Return to Cybertron Part 1” and also discussed the bonus 5 page Animated strip to promote the new Transformers: Animated comic coming later this month.

Art for the main story is by Jon Davis-Hunt, a preview can be found here.

Simon Furman’s Bog: Revelation’s End

Written by Big Bot on October 7, 2008 | Comics,IDW Publishing,News | Tags: , ,

it’s been awhile since SImon Furman updated his blog, but with the release of The Transformers Spotlight: Sideswipe this week, he has posted some story teasers for the issue.

Expect lots of story progression in this crammed 22 page issue, but also look out for the amazing art from E.J. Su, who has gone full out.

Expect more blogging from Simon later this week with the release of Titan’s Transformers #17 on Thursday.

TF UK #16 Out this Week

Written by Big Bot on September 10, 2008 | Comics,News,Titan | Tags: ,

This Thursday (tomorrow) sees the release of Transformers UK #16 from Titan Magazines. The issue, which features the latest story in the alternative Movie-verse, is titled “Dark Spark” and features the return of a fallen Autobot.

Simon Furman has provided his thoughts on the issue, including spoilers, on his blog.

Dark Spark is written by Simon Furman with art by Jeremy Tiongson and colour by Jason Cardy.

Auto Assembly 08: Interview with Simon Furman

One lucky fan managed to get half an hour with comic writer Simon Furman at last weekends Auto Assembly 2008.

Script (W)rap for Titan Transformers UK #16

Written by Big Bot on July 29, 2008 | Comics,News,Titan | Tags: , ,

Simon Furman has completed his script for issue #16 of Titan’s Transformers UK comic, and has provided a general story overview. The story, titled ‘Dark Spark’, is a stand alone story, following on from the previous two stories, Aftermath.

Titan Transformers (UK) #16 is due out on 11th September, with art from Jeremy Tiongson. A preview can be found below:

Keeping Simon All For Ourselves

Written by Big Bot on July 23, 2008 | Auto Assembly,Conventions,News | Tags: , ,

With the San Deigo Comic-Con starting today, many fans will be disappointed that Simon Furman will not be at the convention to represent IDW Publishing.  He will though be at Auto Assembly 2008, the UK’s only dedicated Transformers convention for 2008!

At the convention, he will be bringing his usual swag; trade paperbacks, books, scripts and script/comic packs to sell and sign for all keen fans. He’ll also be taking part in the comic Q & A panel, where he will hopefully divulge some juicy information on IDW’s and Titan’s future Transformers comic plans.

AA 2008 is on Saturday 2nd August, but you only have until the end of this weekend to pre-register.

Simon Furman’s Thoughts Titan Transformers #14

Written by Big Bot on July 16, 2008 | Comics,News,Titan | Tags: , ,

After the details we provided yesterday on Titan’s Transformers (UK) #14, writer Simon Furman has added his thoughts to the story he wrote, Aftermath Part 1. As is customary in his blog posts, he has given a general outline of the story, so beware of spoilers.

You can pick up the magazine tomorrow from all good newsagents in the UK.

Simon Furman’s Spotlight Hardhead Preview

With Transformers Spotlight: Hardhead out tomorrow, Simon Furman has decided to post his thoughts on the issue he wrote. The second in the Revelation saga continues the story Dead Universe plot and picks up some details from Spotlight: Nightbeat. If you can’t wait until tomorrow, read Simon’s blog post for more plot details.

To wet your appetite for the release tomorrow, have posted a 4 page preview of the issue.

First Animated UK Comic Details

Written by Big Bot on July 4, 2008 | Animated,Comics,News,Titan | Tags:

After the announcement that Titan Magazines would be launching a Transformers: Animated comic in the UK, very little information has spilled out. Simon Furman has, however, provided some details on Titan’s plans for the series and the title of the first strip.

The first issue will be called “Swiped!”, coming out later this year. It will be written by Simon Furman with art from a popular artist. Story details are being kept secret for now, but the issues will be self contained and have an overall story arc.

Also mentioned is that a bonus 6 page original Transformers Animated story will be available with issue #17 of the main Transformers (UK) magazine, written by Simon and focusing on the Dinobots.

Simon Furman Blog: Script (W)rap – Maximum Dinobots #1

Written by Big Bot on June 26, 2008 | Comics,IDW Publishing,News | Tags: , ,

Continuing his post script blogging, SImon Furman has posted his thoughts and teasers for his next series, The Transformers: Maximum Dinobots.

As well as revealing the characters who appear in the issue, he confirms that the story will follow on from Spotlight: Grimlock. The final bit of news is that the first issue (of the 5 part series) will be released in October, following on from Revelations.

Art for the series is being done by Nick Roche.

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