This week TheTransformers.Net travelled down to London to the press screening and press conference for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. We attended the press screening at Leicester Square’s Odeon cinema, and posed with a giant Bumblebee (pictured) and then made our way over to Claridges for the press conference.
We’ve reviewed Transformers 2 here, and we also filmed the press conference where the director Michael Bay and the stars of the film, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox and John Turturro all answered questions from the nation’s press.
We’re uploading the video to YouTube, and here is the first part of the press conference with the stars of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
More videos from the Transformers 2 press conference to follow.
[…] can watch part 1 of the Transformers Press Conference […]
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