TFcon have updated their website with news that the first waves of the Transformers: Universe will be available at the convention, which takes place on 21st June.
The bulletin lists the toys as “not yet hit mass retail anywhere in the world”, which is slightly incorrect, as the first wave legend figures are being sold in the UK right now.
June 14th – Transformers Universe figures will be available at TFcon Toronto next weekend. While Universe has not yet hit mass retail anywhere in the world we are pleased to be able to announce that there will be Transformers Universe figures available for sale at TFcon on June 21st. On a side note we’d like to remind our American guests, a passport is only required if you are flying into Canada. Americans driving into Canada DO NOT need a passport to cross in either direction. Visitors may be asked to verify citizenship and should therefore carry any one of the following documents: birth certificate, naturalization certificate, Green Card or passport. Photo identification is also required so visitors should carry their driver’s license or other photo ID with them.