Auto Assembly is the biggest Transformers convention in Europe, and this year it’s being held on the 12th – 14th August in Birmingham’s Holiday Inn, Birmingham City Centre.
This year’s guests of honour are David Kaye and Gregg Berger, and tickets can be booked now from
Usually at Auto Assembly TheTransformers.Net takes a watching brief; mostly watching the bar it has to be said. At past conventions we’ve participated solely in helping the venue to increase its bar takings, decorated display tables with our empties and became increasingly slovenly as the day went on. Our only previous worthwhile contribution was in producing a CD-ROM for Auto Assembly 2005. However, this year, for Auto Assembly 2011, we intend to actually do something.
This year TheTransformers.Net is hoping to raise funds (listen up, this is where you come in) to bring one of the best loved comic artists, and little seen at Transformers conventions, Geoff Senior to Auto Assembly.
Geoff Senior was one of the original comic artists on the Marvel UK Transformers comic, and was one of the people responsible for creating the legendary bounty hunter Death’s Head – who made a comeback recently thanks to artist talents of Simon Williams. In addition to Transformers and Death’s Head, Geoff Senior also put pencils to paper to produce artwork for Doctor Who, Judge Dredd, Dragon’s Claws and Zoids.
Getting Geoff to Auto Assembly 2011 on behalf of TheTransformers.Net and TheTF.Net is going to cost £200 – and we’re officially launching our fundraiser right here. We need our members, our website visitors, you guys, to donate any small amount you can (even a couple of pounds would be a huge help) so that we can get Geoff Senior to Auto Assembly 2011.
If you want your comics or graphic novels signed, if you want to chat to Geoff about Transformers or Death’s Head, or if you want Geoff to draw a personalised sketch just for you; help us to bring Geoff Senior to Auto Assembly 2011.
The best part is: we don’t even need to raise the full £200 ourselves as Auto Assembly will match anything we raise, so we just need to raise £100.
How to Donate
All you have to do donate is to send any amount you can spare to – or you can use the donate button below.
Help TheTransformers.Net and TheTF.Net to get Geoff to AA!
Some of Geoff’s famous Transformers covers:
Geoff was always my favourite artist on TF UK comics back in the day. Gonna get him there for sure but I regret I can’t be there this year. Have a good one…yes?
Comment by Redlunaman — March 31, 2011 @ 10:22 am
Donations are already coming in, you guys are the best. Keep it up though as we want to bring Geoff Senior to Auto Assembly 2011!
Comment by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson — March 31, 2011 @ 11:32 am
Tut tut, that second cover isn’t a Geoff Senior one – the cover to #100 is by Alan Davis!
Comment by Simon Hall — April 3, 2011 @ 12:53 pm
Ah, you spotted our, er, deliberate error. Well done. Have an energon goodie.
Comment by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson — April 7, 2011 @ 4:17 pm