Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

A Transformers-themed pub is in the running to be crowned Britain’s Best Home Bar, in a competition being run by Liberty Games. The winning bar, chosen… [more]

Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

This last weekend saw yet another Transformers convention take over the Metropole Hilton, in Birmingham. These weekends have become a staple of my summer… [more]

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Every year, since 2011, the nerds from TheTF.Net forum (now a Facebook group, because running a forum proved too much like hard work) have met for a weekend… [more]

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

This weekend saw our annual forum meet being held in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. Each year we meet in a different town or city in the UK, alternating… [more]

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Almost 18 years ago (crikey, has it been that long?) we wrote a review of our visit to Transforce in August 2001. It was a seriously hot day, but a great… [more]

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

First Details of Transformers: Victory DVD from Madman

Written by Big Bot on March 18, 2008 | DVD,Madman,News,Victory |

Madman Entertainment have put up a listing for Transformers: Victory, the last Generation One cartoon series, on DVD. The 4 disc set will arrive in Australia on 14th May with a unique set of extra features.

There will be 32 episodes with the original Japanese audio and English subtitles. Like the Super-God Masterforce set from Madman, there will probably only be the English audio on certain episodes. There is also the bonus that Transformers Zone will be included, which Metrodome didn’t include in the UK.

The full set of extra features can be found below:

Introductory booklet with episode guide
Includes RARE final Transformers episode: TRANSFORMERS: ZONE
All-new cover by IDW Transformers artist EJ Su
Toy gallery
Character art gallery
Japanese toy ads
Japanese toy catalogues
DVD ROM Content – the story continued in Manga

What Do You Want In Transformers The Ark Volume 2?

With the apparent success of Transformers The Ark earlier this year, IDW Publishing are planning on a second volume with more original character models from the TV show and comics.

The collection will contain over 200 pages with stuff from Headmasters, Masterforce, Victory, Zone, Studio Ox designs, advertisements and much more. The book is due in the summer of 2008, but IDW want your suggestions for what you would like to see.

Hopefully the success of this book will lead to similar projects involving other Transformers series.

Latest Metrodome Newsletter

Metrodome have sent out their latest newsletter giving details on Masterforce, Victory, TFTM 20th Anniversary Edition and Sci-fi Cult Legends.

Dear Transformers fans,

We thought it was time we dropped you a line with some news on Transformers to light up the rest of your 2007, and we�re pleased to say that we�ve got plenty of good news. First up we want to tell you about an up and coming title called �Cult Sci Fi Legends�, a new collection from Metrodome that features three hours of classic animation. Not only does it feature two newly subtitled episodes from Transformers Victory that have never been released in the West, it also features classic episodes from Visionaries, Inhumanoids, Shadow Raiders, Bucky O Hare and Transformers � �More than meets the eye�. We�ve put this together to give Transformers fans a chance to sample some other revolutionary visions of science fiction, as well of course to give you a sneak preview of Transformers Victory � the final collection in the Takara series that�s being released in August this year. We believe that this collection brings forward titles from a time when writers and artists were willing to put �formula� aside and truly step into the unknown, all these properties made concerted efforts to push the boundaries of imagination and style � and that�s why they�ve become cult classics decades later. So whether you just want to indulge your nostalgia or discover some new worlds � we heartily recommend this collection to you. And all this is available for the frankly fantastic price of just £7.99 (inc p&p) from The collection is released on June 26th. In other news – as many of you have heard, we�ve had to move our Masterforce release to July 3rd, but in the next few days we�ll send you details on the extras, full artwork and the chance to download the first episode absolutely free! At the moment we�re hard at work finishing the subtitles on Victory and working on our forthcoming 20th anniversary release of Transformers The Movie, more news to come � but keep checking the forums at for updates. All the best Metrodome

TF Victory on Cult Sci-Fi Legends DVD

Written by admin on | DVD,Generation One,Metrodome,News,Victory |

Metrodome are releasing Cult Sci-Fi Legends, a DVD compiling episodes from many animated shows as Transformers Generation One, Transformers Victory, Visionaries, Inhumanoids, Shadow Raiders and Bucky O’Hare, is due for release on 5th June in the UK.

The Transformers Victory episodes included are Episode 1 “Star Saber, Head of the Universe” and Episode 4 “Multiforce, Combine!”. It is likely that these are the badly dubbed English episodes with no subtitles. The G1 episode is “More Than Meets The Eye Day One”.

The cover art can be seen at DVDActive.

Final Stuff for 2006 – Victory DVD Review

Written by admin on December 31, 2006 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Victory |

With 2006 ending soon, here is the final news item of the year. Chris McFeely has posted his review of Metrodome’s Transformers Victory DVD, released on 26th December.

As usual, it is a good long read and hopefully will get you excited for future Metrodome projects, like Transformers The Movie Ultimate Edition DVD coming in June and maybe some blu-ray releases after that.

TF Victory DVD Released Today

Written by admin on December 26, 2006 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Victory |

Metrodome’s Transformers Takara Volume 3 – Victory DVD is released today in the UK. It contains all 32 episodes in the original Japanese audio with new English subtitles. It can be picked up for £17.99 at many online retailers.

Latest Metrodome Newsletter – Victory & TFTM Ultimate DVD

Written by Big Bot on December 11, 2006 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Transformers The Movie (1986),Victory |



Hi all!
Christmas is just around the corner and we’re pleased to announce that we’re all set for the release of Transformers – The Takara Collection Vol. 3 – Victory. For the first time ever on DVD in the West, Victory is the classic final installment to Generation One.

With 32 episodes across 4 discs, featuring brand new English subtitles translated by Transformers fan Jordan Derber, Victory also boasts audio commentaries on selected episodes and an exclusive Takara Collection booklet by Transformers expert Chris McFeely.

Once again we’ve brought onboard Transformers artist Nick Roche to produce some stunning cover artwork. Log on to the now to see images of the Victory artwork and packaging in the download section.

Also log on to from December 16th to enter our Victory competition for your chance to win an original Transformers pencil sketch by Nick Roche!
But that’s not all!

As an early Xmas gift we are happy to offer you an episode of Victory for free! Following our bold experiment with Masterforce, we are podcasting the first Victory episode in five segments over five days � with the first part available for you on Monday 11th Dec and the next four episodes going live day by day next week.

For details of how to download the podcast visit the download section on You need to register to access it � but it’s all absolutely free!

And we’d also like to announce the rescheduling of Transformers the Movie � The Ultimate Special Edition to June 2007. More updates to come and keep posting your extras ideas on the forums. Merry Christmas and happy downloading!


Victory DVD Updates

Written by admin on December 8, 2006 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Victory | Tags: ,

For those of you who are a member of Metrodome’s Official Transformers Site, they have a preview of the Victory DVD packaging, including the disk and back of package designs.

Also, they are releasing a podcast of one episode of Victory, just like they did with Masterforce. You will need itunes and a broadband connection. Full details can be found here.

Update from Metrodome

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on November 23, 2006 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Victory | Tags:

We just received an email from Metrodome with some updates for their forthcoming releases.

Firstly, the Transformers The Movie special edition has been put back until May 2007, and will be direct from the negative, in widescreen and with an amended 5.1 audio track. Chris McFeely has once again been brought in to oversee and approve the release.

Victory is on course for a December 26th release, and they’ve brought in someone else to help out with the brand, who will be on the forum regularly to keep things on track.

Their website will also be relaunched next year with info on the new releases, and may even have some interactive elements.

Victory DVD Cover

Written by admin on October 26, 2006 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Victory |

The cover art of Metrodome’s Transformers Victory has already been revealed, but Metrodome have released a more finished version of the cover.

It matches up with the Headmasters and Masterforce sets, so will look good on your shelf. The only change that will be made is the BBFC logo in the bottom left corner will not be PG but U.


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