Here we are at our forum meet for 2012, in a Wetherspoon’s pub. We’ve had a day of visiting various comic and toy shops, and now we’re boozing it up as per usual 🙂
If you’re in Birmingham, let us know and we’ll meet up!
A Transformers-themed pub is in the running to be crowned Britain’s Best Home Bar, in a competition being run by Liberty Games. The winning bar, chosen… [more]
This last weekend saw yet another Transformers convention take over the Metropole Hilton, in Birmingham. These weekends have become a staple of my summer… [more]
Every year, since 2011, the nerds from TheTF.Net forum (now a Facebook group, because running a forum proved too much like hard work) have met for a weekend… [more]
This weekend saw our annual forum meet being held in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. Each year we meet in a different town or city in the UK, alternating… [more]
Almost 18 years ago (crikey, has it been that long?) we wrote a review of our visit to Transforce in August 2001. It was a seriously hot day, but a great… [more]
Here we are at our forum meet for 2012, in a Wetherspoon’s pub. We’ve had a day of visiting various comic and toy shops, and now we’re boozing it up as per usual 🙂
If you’re in Birmingham, let us know and we’ll meet up!
Our annual forum meet is taking place this weekend in Birmingham. The official thread for the meet is here on our forum, and any transfans are welcome to come along and say hi, and/or buy us beers. Some members have already geeked into Birmingham early and are enjoying the second city as we type this, whereas many more of us will arrive later tonight or tomorrow.
Assuming we’re able to, because there are no guarantees, we’ll get some photos up over the weekend so you can see what sort of stuff we’ve been doing.
If you do want to come along and meet some friendly, slightly drunk, Transformers fans in Birmingham then check out the forum thread for details – or you can comment here anytime over the weekend and, assuming I’ve not lost my phone, I’ll get the message and can let you know where we are… that is of course assuming I know where I am, which is no gimmee.
If you’re a Facebook user (and who isn’t these days?) then you might to look at our newly designed Facebook Page for TheTransformers.Net. We’ve taken advantage of the cool features available on Facebook to build a wickedly stylish new page that features our latest news updates and tweets. You can see the design below, or you can visit the page itself here (note, if you’re already a fan of the page and you’re logged into Facebook, you’ll need to log out to see the new design as it’s only for people who haven’t already liked it – or you can see it direct here on its own tab URL).
For those who haven’t noticed, we have a new forum here at TheTransformers.Net. Our first forum, on a system called ‘toast’ launched way back in the beginning of the last decade (yep, we’re that old) and was replaced around 2004 with the Web Wiz forum you can still see over at TheTF.Net. Now however we’ve come bounding into the 21st Century with our new forum, located on this very domain, powered by vbulletin.
This new forum has such super sexy cool features as Facebook integration, birthday reminders, personal galleries and more bells and whistles than a Morris Dancers’ convention.
So, sign up to this new forum ASAP to ensure you get the username you want before someone else nabs it. Our old forum, over at TheTF.Net, will be live and running for a week or so yet but will be locked down before Auto Assembly so that the new forum can take us into the next ten years of Transformers worship. The URL TheTF.Net will be redirected to our new forum, but all of the old posts will be saved and archived so that you can still read them if you want – your work will not be lost 😉
See you there people!
Our new brand spanking website only went live last week, and already we’ve improved it – we’re not ones for sitting around on laurels you know? If you remember some years ago our website used to have selectable skins, where you could choose between website designs such as Optimus Prime, Megatron, Rodimus Prime and Scorponok – you do? Good.
Well, we’ve brought that back – only far more interactive. If you look to the right of the website, underneath the Facebook box (where you should also click by the way, to like us on Facebook) you’ll see an option to choose from Autobot and Decepticon themes. Go on, click it. Doing so will make things go all purple, and evil like.
If you’re real good we may even add a movie theme for Transformers Dark of the Moon… wouldn’t that be nice?
Since TheTransformers.Net began, way back in 2000 (yes, we’ve been around that long) our site has gone through many evolutions. We actually started on the free hosting service called (which meant 20 Megabytes free).
During the last 11 years our site has gone from a free hosted website, to a static HTML website on TheTransformers.Net, to a dynamic website designed and built using classic ASP and SQL to its most recent incarnation, in WordPress. In all that time however, the site has maintained its position on the first page of Google for the keyword ‘Transformers’ – a feat that has become increasingly difficult since the advent of the movie in 2007, and all of the other fansites and websites that have sprung up over the years as a result of Michael Bay’s film franchise.
But why are telling you all of this? Well, for the last few months (years actually, we’ve been busy on other stuff too) we’ve been working on a new design for TheTransformers.Net – one that will stand the test of time, look great and won’t impact on our very impressive search engine placement (because that is of course where most of our thousands of visitors come from).
Our new design will rock too because, unlike many other fansites we’re not relying on someone who knows a bit about the Internet for our new design, nor are we relying on just a Transformers fan who happens to have worked out PhotoShop. Now, our new design will be constructed by someone who has worked as a web designer for over a decade, as long as we’ve been going in fact. Our designer has worked as a web designer for GAME (you know, the video games people), has worked on web projects for clients like Sony, and Manchester United, and has worked at a leading agency offering web design in Cardiff Bay.
We don’t want to big this up too much, but it’s going to rock – just in time for Transformers Dark of the Moon.
You can see some of our past designs here, on our about page, as well as some of the awards we’ve picked up over the years (including one from Dreamcast magazine, remember the Dreamcast??? – that’s how old we are!).
Stay tuned for the next big update at TheTransformers.Net – one of the very first Transformers websites on the Internet (Don Murphy take note the next time you want to bad-mouth us about ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ of your film).
For those Transformers fans who like to keep up with the latest Transformers news, including news from the forthcoming Transformers 3, you can now follow us on Twitter. We’ve just registered our Twitter account at where you can follow us, and all of our news posts on this website will also be published to Twitter – meaning you can get the latest Transformers news directly on Twitter.
This is in addition to our Facebook page, where you can also get the latest Transformers news direct to your Facebook feed. So, whether you’re a regular Tweeter, or whether you’re on Facebook 24 hours a day, you can stay updated with Transformers news from us.
Only this week we realised that one of our very first Transformers websites,, was down due to a mix up with the domain names. This website was originally designed and put live back in 2000, and was a website dedicated to the original 1986 animated Transformers movie.
Looking back on this website we can see how our love for putting Transformers information came about, and hope that now it’s back up that it will provide something for today’s generation of Transformers fans who have come to Transformers through the movies of Michael Bay.
You can visit the website at
If you’re into football (proper football, not rugby with crash helmets) then you can join our TheTransformers.Net league on the Fantasy Football website. The address for the official Premier League’s Fantasy Football website is: and the code to join our league is: 1398644-259134
I’ve won the title twice and Overlord from our form has won it twice. Can you do better?
You can even discuss, flame or talk trash about the league here in our forum.
We mentioned this a few weeks ago but just wanted to remind everyone that you can get Transformers news via Facebook by becoming a fan of our TheTransformers.Net Facebook page.
As a fan of the page you’ll get the latest Transformers updates in your status updates, so you won’t need to visit the website for information, you’ll get it all by Facebook. If you’re one of those people who’s always on Facebook, this is perfect for you.
Click here to visit Facebook and become a fan of TheTransformers.Net.