Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

A Transformers-themed pub is in the running to be crowned Britain’s Best Home Bar, in a competition being run by Liberty Games. The winning bar, chosen… [more]

Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

This last weekend saw yet another Transformers convention take over the Metropole Hilton, in Birmingham. These weekends have become a staple of my summer… [more]

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Every year, since 2011, the nerds from TheTF.Net forum (now a Facebook group, because running a forum proved too much like hard work) have met for a weekend… [more]

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

This weekend saw our annual forum meet being held in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. Each year we meet in a different town or city in the UK, alternating… [more]

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Almost 18 years ago (crikey, has it been that long?) we wrote a review of our visit to Transforce in August 2001. It was a seriously hot day, but a great… [more]

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Transformers The Movie Ultimate Edition DVD Update – Picture Quality

Written by admin on February 20, 2007 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Transformers The Movie (1986) |

Chris McFeely has provided some new screenshots of the new master beeing used by Metrodome for their upcoming Transformers The Movie Ultimate Edition DVD release in June. The screens show comparisons between the original master, Sony BMG’s new release last November and Metrodome’s prevous “Reconstructed” release.

Look out for more details soon.

IDW Publishing’s Art Du Jour! – TFTM TPB

Written by admin on February 9, 2007 | Comics,IDW Publishing,News,Transformers The Movie (1986) |

IDW Publishing have updated their Art Du Jour! section with an image from the Transformers The Animated Movie TPB, due out in April.

When we asked Don if he had any bonus materials for the Transformers The Animated Movie TPB, he said, “Here’s the script for the first three NEW scenes… it’s basically an explanation as to why the heavy hitters from season two of the cartoon were absent from the movie.” How sweet is that? (We think it’s pretty freakin’ sweet.) So all you TF fans can thank Don for creating this page we’re showing off today, and then be on the lookout for the rest of his new bonus material when the TPB drops in April!

The preview image can be seen here.

TFTM #4 & TF Generations #11 Previews

IDW Publishing have released 5 page previews for Transformers The Animated Movie #4, the final issue in the series, and Transformers Generations #11. Both are due for release on 31st January. Also included are the various covers that come with each issue.

Argos Catalogue Out Today

Written by admin on January 20, 2007 | Hasbro,News,Toys,Transformers The Movie (1986) |

The new Argos Catalogue is out today, and with it, (hopefully) more Transformers toy releases. A scan has appeared on TFW2005 which shows some interesting images. Optimus Prime is pictured for the Titanium series, Jetfire for the Classics Voyager class, and wave 1 of the Classic Legends value Pack.

Classic Legends Value Pack
Classic Deluxe Figures
Optimus v Megatron Battle Pack
Movie 20th anniversary Optimus Prime figure
Classic Voyager Figures
Titanium 6″ Metal Cybertron Heroes
Alternators Ford Mustang
Alternators Dodge RAM SRT-1
Alternators Jaguar Ravage

All are listed on page 1606 and will be on the website soon.

New Shop Listings

Written by admin on January 16, 2007 | Hasbro,News,Toys,Transformers The Movie (1986) |

Hasbro UK have updated their website shop with some new listings. They include some of the new Classics and Attacktix figures, 20th Movie Anniversary Optimus Prime, as well as the first Alternators on the site

Transformers Classic Legends Autobot Fireflight
Transformers Classic Legends Decepticon Trypticon

Transformers Classic Legends Autobot Leo Prime

Transformers Classic Legends Autobot Perceptor

Attacktix Intergalactic Showdown – Transformers Booster

Attacktix Intergalactic Showdown – Transformers

Transformers Classic Voyager – Megatron

Transformers Classic Voyager – Optimus Prime

Transformers Alternator – Mazda RX8 Shockblast
Transformers 20th Movie Anniversary Optimus Prime

Latest Metrodome Newsletter – Victory & TFTM Ultimate DVD

Written by Big Bot on December 11, 2006 | DVD,Metrodome,News,Transformers The Movie (1986),Victory |



Hi all!
Christmas is just around the corner and we’re pleased to announce that we’re all set for the release of Transformers – The Takara Collection Vol. 3 – Victory. For the first time ever on DVD in the West, Victory is the classic final installment to Generation One.

With 32 episodes across 4 discs, featuring brand new English subtitles translated by Transformers fan Jordan Derber, Victory also boasts audio commentaries on selected episodes and an exclusive Takara Collection booklet by Transformers expert Chris McFeely.

Once again we’ve brought onboard Transformers artist Nick Roche to produce some stunning cover artwork. Log on to the now to see images of the Victory artwork and packaging in the download section.

Also log on to from December 16th to enter our Victory competition for your chance to win an original Transformers pencil sketch by Nick Roche!
But that’s not all!

As an early Xmas gift we are happy to offer you an episode of Victory for free! Following our bold experiment with Masterforce, we are podcasting the first Victory episode in five segments over five days � with the first part available for you on Monday 11th Dec and the next four episodes going live day by day next week.

For details of how to download the podcast visit the download section on You need to register to access it � but it’s all absolutely free!

And we’d also like to announce the rescheduling of Transformers the Movie � The Ultimate Special Edition to June 2007. More updates to come and keep posting your extras ideas on the forums. Merry Christmas and happy downloading!


Transformers: Animated Movie #3 Preview

Written by admin on December 8, 2006 | Comics,IDW Publishing,News,Transformers The Movie (1986) |

IDW Publishing have put up a 5 page preview (and 2 the 2 covers) of Transformers Animated Movie #3, due out on 13th December.

TFTM #2 Preview

Written by Big Bot on November 19, 2006 | Comics,IDW Publishing,News,Transformers The Movie (1986) | Tags: ,

IDW has put up a 5 page preview of Transformers The Animated Movie #2,the adaption of the classic 1986 movie, due out on 22nd November.

What DVD review Transformers The Movie

Written by Darren 'Starscream' Jamieson on November 17, 2006 | DVD,News,Sony BMG,Transformers The Movie (1986) | Tags: ,

J.D. Lafrance of WhatDVD has reviewed Sony’s 2 disc release of Transformers The Movie in Widescreen.

Read the full DVD review here.

More TFTM Storyboards

Written by Big Bot on November 12, 2006 | News,Transformers The Movie (1986) | Tags: , has again added more scans of the original storyboards from Transformers The Movie. As a bonus, he has added scans of some pages that were not included on Sony BMG’s Transformers The Movie DVD.

The full set of images can be seen here.

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