Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

A Transformers-themed pub is in the running to be crowned Britain’s Best Home Bar, in a competition being run by Liberty Games. The winning bar, chosen… [more]

Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar Transformers-themed pub could be Britain’s Best Home Bar

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

This last weekend saw yet another Transformers convention take over the Metropole Hilton, in Birmingham. These weekends have become a staple of my summer… [more]

TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review TFNation 2019 Transformers Convention Review

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Every year, since 2011, the nerds from TheTF.Net forum (now a Facebook group, because running a forum proved too much like hard work) have met for a weekend… [more]

Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour Annual Transformers Forum Meet Tour

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

This weekend saw our annual forum meet being held in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. Each year we meet in a different town or city in the UK, alternating… [more]

Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff Our 2019 Forum Meet took place this weekend, in Cardiff

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Almost 18 years ago (crikey, has it been that long?) we wrote a review of our visit to Transforce in August 2001. It was a seriously hot day, but a great… [more]

Video Footage from Transforce in 2001 Video Footage from Transforce in 2001

Derrick J. Wyatt on Animated Universe & G1 Concepts

Written by Big Bot on October 11, 2008 | Animated,Cartoon,Comics,IDW Publishing,News,Video Games | Tags: ,

Derrick J. Wyatt has posted some more interesting comments to do with the Transformers: Animated universe.He discusses how because of Marty Isenberg’s involved with the cartoon, IDW comic and Animated Game coming later this month, it helps expand the Animated universe and make everything more manageable.

His last comment is of particular interest to G1 fans:

There are absolutely TONS of G1 concepts that are practically begging to be in Animated. Maybe some of them will get to.

Transformers: Animated The Game Official game Page Online

Written by Big Bot on October 10, 2008 | Animated,News,Video Games | Tags: , ,

Activision have uploaded their official website for Transformers: Animated The Game. The site has a new video featuring some gameplay and cartoon scenes with audio.

Official Site:

Transformers: Animated The Game is due out on 21st October in North America and 24th October in the UK on the Nintendo DS.

Animated Wave 4.5 NOT Cancelled, Just Delayed

Written by Big Bot on October 7, 2008 | Animated,Hasbro,News,Toys | Tags: , ,

After all the worrying and Hasbro UK hate resurfacing it seems we UK fans need to take a step back (again). it seems hasbro UK haven’t been very clear with their output. Wave 4.5 of Transformers: Animated, consisting of 2x Swoop, 2x Sentinal Prime, 1x Jazz, 2x Elite Guard Bumblebee, 1x Prowl, has NOT been cancelled but will probably turn up nearer to Christmas. The reasoning behind this is likely that due to wave 4 already containing Swoop and Sentinal Prime and jazz and Prowl alreading being out, there is a need to try and avoiding flooding the stores with the same figures.

Wave 4 (Wave 4 (834621483) – 4x Swoop, 4x Sentinal Prime) should be hitting the UK later this month.

Transformers: Animated on the Verge of Cancellation in the UK?

Written by Big Bot on October 6, 2008 | Animated,News,Toys | Tags: , , ,

An interesting but worrying rumour here. According to one of the guys at, Hasbro UK could be cancelling the TOYLINE in the UK. Sellers have been told that pre-orders should not be taken for wave 4.5 or beyond as the line may be discontinued before then.

This is surprising news given the fact that Animated toys seem to be flying off the shelves for fans looking for the latest figures, but given that the toys (and cartoon) get little exposure, it could turn out to be true.

Transformers: Animated DVDs being Repackaged! are reporting that Paramount Home Entertainment will be packaging both transformers: Animated DVDs: “Transform and Roll Out” and “Season One” in one package and release it on the same day as Season Two. This will be only for North America.

Both DVDs are out in on 6th January 2009.

Derrick Wyatt on the Season 3 Design Sketches

Written by Big Bot on October 4, 2008 | Animated,Cartoon,News | Tags: ,

Derrick Wyatt has responed to the leaked sketches of Animated Rodimus, Blackout, Spittor and Strika with a few more details. Strika is referred to as “General Strika”, and has made him very happy and the design for Spittor is from the design by Don Figueroa of Spittor pre-beast mode, as shown in the IDW Beast Wars comics.

Derrick Wyatt: Jetfire and Jetstorm have been mistransformed

Written by Big Bot on | Animated,News,Toys | Tags: , ,

Derrick Wyatt has commented on the Transformers: Animated Jetfire and Jetstorm 2-pack photos leaked this week. The main points to take away are that the figures have been mistransformed in the photo, resulting in the hands being missing:

I wouldn’t rush to judgment on the Jetfire and Jetstorm figures yet. Those are some pretty terrible pictures that are out there right now. The pictures I saw way back of the grey prototypes looked really good. And yes, of course they have hands! In both robot modes! The promo pics are just mistransformed. Once they are properly transformed and posed out, they should look pretty cool.

First Look at Animated Rodimus, Strika, Blackout and Spittor

Written by Big Bot on | Animated,Cartoon,News |

S250 has provide some new information for the upcoming season of Transformers: Animated with some character design sketches.  The four pictures all show new characters, consisting ­of Rodimus, Strika, Blackout and Spittor­.

New Animated 2-Packs: Prowl and Megatron, Prime and Blackarachnia

Written by Big Bot on October 2, 2008 | Animated,News,Toys | Tags: ,

TFW2005 user Red leader, who also runs site sponsor, has posted pictures of two new 2-packs that will be part of the Transformers Animated toyline.

The first set, containing Deluxes Prowl and Megatron (from the Battle Begins set), uses the subtitle “Battle In Space”. The second contains Deluxes Blackarachnia and Optimus Prime (from the Battle Begins set), uses the subtitle “The Revenge of Blackarachnia”.

Animated Rescue Ratchet Set coming to UK

Written by Big Bot on September 29, 2008 | Animated,News,Toys | Tags: ,

The Transformers: Animated Rescue Ratchet and legends set is set to be released in the UK, if a listing on Tesco Direct’s website is to be believed. The set, which is exclusive to Target stores in the USA, will be exclusive to Tesco and might mark the start of more exclusives coming across the pond.

Rescue Ratchet, which is a deluxe figure, also comes with legends Prowl and Starscream and will cost £19.97.

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