Denton J. Tipton has updated his blog with a list of new Transformers releases over the next month. You’ll notice that Stormbringer and Escalation (volumes 2 & 3) are being reprinted, which Denton confirms in his latest post, with this being the 4th time for Stormbringer. That book has a lot of love.
24th December (or thereabouts)
Transformers: Animated Vol. 6 TPB
31st December (or thereabouts)
The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #6
7th January
The Transformers: Maximum Dinobots #2
Transformers: Saga of the Allspark TPB
The Transformers: Escalation TPB (second printing)
The Transformers: Stormbringer TPB (fourth printing)
14th January
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie Prequel Alliance #2
Transformers Armada Vol. 2 TPB
21st January
Revenge of the Fallen Movie Prequel Defiance #1