Lots more reviews have been coming in, ranging from poorly written pieces of garbage to reviews which give logical and fair reasons for loving or hating Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Empire Magazine (3/5) (First film got 4/5)
A super-sized second helping, but the novelty factor and some of the charm’s gone. Hey, at least there’s more Megatron / Starscream squabbling this time round.
Channel 4 (2/5) (First film got 1/5)
There is, however, one scene that says a lot about the movie, the filmmaker and the film’s intended audience. During a kick-up on a university campus, a Decepticon storms a library and incinerates the classics of literature. No doubt some might say it’s silly to seize on a moment like this, but Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen is a picture whose achievements are so limited, you have to wheel-out a microscope to uncover them. And, my, if the details don’t reveal a devilish degree of contempt for anyone who’d rather read a book than hang out with their console or devour a Whopper.
The Mirror (No Score)
It is a sprawlingly noisy adventure epic that entertains at times, but never really manages to engage. Still, the kids will love it!
The Times (No Score)
All the Bay trademarks are there, the slow walk, the catalogue of incredible military hardware, the women with short skirts and long, honey-coloured legs. If you liked Transformers, as I did, then you’ll almost certainly like the followup.
I quite enjoyed it, and I’m glad I’ve seen it. But I’m unlikely to ever want to see it again.
Screen International (No Score)
Unsurprisingly skewing male, Bay’s sequel was always going to lack the surprise element of seeing the metal warriors sized up for the big screen, and, at 140 minutes, it drags. But Transformers: Revenge Of the Fallen has been surgically put together as a magnet for all its potential demographics by action maestro Bay, and there’s a certain sense of fun here which is sadly lacking in other summer blockbuster fare.